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Newsletter: GL Releases Real-time Strip-Chart Application

Welcome to the May Issue of GL Communication's Newsletter providing information and insight into the latest product introductions and reviews.

GL's Real-Time Strip Chart application is an optional software for analysis of CAS signaling, with GL Communications' field proven Ultra E1 or T1 internal cards or Laptop E1 or T1 external products. Strip-Chart application enables non-intrusive capturing of PCM data and signaling, and subsequent plotting of the same onto a strip chart format. The application is perfect for CAS protocols, DTMF or MF Signaling, or other voice and signaling timing relationships.

Main Features:

  • Real-time capturing and off-line analysis of PCM Data as well as Signaling, enabling the user to view data graphically and with exact transitions of signals with time
  • Ability to capture PCM and signaling data on any of user-specified time slot
  • User friendly and clear GUI interface for ease of operation
  • Option to choose specific T1/E1 ports in case of more than two port systems
  • Loading of previously captured PCM and Signaling files, for off-line viewing
  • Zoom-in and Zoom-Out of data based on the time-base settings. The time base varies between 0.01 till 25
  • Monitoring of "Available Bytes" & "Missed Bytes" in Real Time Capture, enabling the user to quickly check the data missed, if any at the time of capture
  • Selection of Timer Interval to capture data
  • Ganged option synchronizes (both PCM & Signaling) data on the graphic display
  • Automated naming convention for saving PCM and Signaling file based on timeslots for loading the captured files in the appropriate timeslots
  • Chooses Signaling file automatically (for E1s) based on the name of the PCM files
  • Appends data between successive captures
  • Compatible with Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP Operating Systems

An application note has been provided describing the GL's Real-Time Strip Chart in detail. Please review this application note and give us a call if you are interested in GL's products/software for this or other applications. We would be happy to consult with you on solutions to your testing needs and we look forward to hearing from you.

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