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Newsletter: GL Announces Protocol Identifier Software

Welcome to an April 2010 issue of GL's Newsletter providing information and insight into our Protocol Identifier Software - an application that can identify protocols on T1 or E1 lines.


The Protocol Identifier application can identify various protocols carried on T1 or E1 lines. It is capable of detecting protocols such as ISDN, ATM, HDLC, MTP2, LAPD, SS7, PPP, GSM, GSM Abis, TRAU, and Frame Relay. The timeslots and or subchannels within timeslots are also identified. Once identified, detailed analysis can be carried out by individual Protocol Analyzers. This application is helpful in identifying traffic types at a concentration point, DSX patch panel, or multiplexed facility.

Main Features

  • Capable of identifying and classifying traffic over T1 E1 lines based on HDLC, ATM, and TRAU protocols
  • Classification of HDLC based protocols such as ISDN, SS7, PPP, Frame Relay, and GSM
  • Graphical view displays the timeslots and subchannels of the identified protocols
  • Statistical view displays the different protocols with the details of port, timeslots and subchannels.
  • Stream Statistics view shows the count of total number of timeslots, sub-channels, and hyper-channels used by each protocol
  • Provides an option to log the protocol detected with device and channel information into a text file
  • Supports filtering to display the unique selected protocol.
  • Supports custom configuration of the colors to easily distinguish protocols.

A sample screen of Graphical view that displays timeslots and subchannels of the classified protocols

A sample screen of Statistical view that displays different protocols with the details of port, timeslots and subchannels


  • Snapshot: Obtain a real-time snapshot of protocol traffic on T1 E1 lines.
  • Surveillance: Identify protocol traffic on all the timeslots/subchannels simultaneously on multiple T1 E1 lines.
  • Maintenance: Helps technicians to quickly identify the content of any T1 or E1

For comprehensive information on the application, please visit the Protocol Identifier Software webpage.

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